Just in case you were wondering…

Just a little clarification—this blog is not the WordPress challenge of posting once a day (though I am attempting to complete that challenge through this blog). This is, rather, a challenge for each day—something to do, to complete, to work on, throughout the day. I am not challenging you to blog about any of the challenges, just complete them (if you want). Although if blogging about the challenges is what you’d like to do, feel free, I won’t complain 🙂 If you are trying to complete the WordPress post a day challenge, that blog can be found here: http://dailypost.wordpress.com


About onechallengeaday

I am searching for nothing and absorbing everything. My eyes are open--I am wondering, I am wandering. I was made to run, to think, and to write. And that is what I plan to do.
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9 Responses to Just in case you were wondering…

  1. Sy says:

    That’s OK, Post A Day has plenty of people, I’m just trying to help you out, besides this way I get all of the attention, with them I’d lost in the mix.

  2. Cindy N says:

    I figured that out back on day 2 or 3, and I’d prefer to follow you any way. I find you quite delightful. 🙂

  3. Stef says:

    I have an ongoing daily challenge with myself, which is to find at least one moment of joy in that 24-hour period, and then share it with anyone who wants it. 🙂


  4. Lizán.Maree says:

    I started my own kinda challenge before I saw yours – http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_192876014062006
    Not all people are bloggers so I decided to challenge my friends to commit themselves to do 1 thing per day, for the rest of the year, and share it in the group. This could be learning a word, song, chord or dance move per day, helping a stranger, or whatever they wanted. Just started it yesterday so not a lot going on yet, but feel free to join if you’d like. I signed up for your blog – looking forward to see what you challenge us to!

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